1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714
(812) 479-5741
"Because a frequency..
..is a terrible thing to waste"
August, 1996 Newsletter
THE NEXT E.A.R.S. EATING MEETING will be held on Friday, September 6 at 6:30 PM Central at Noble Roman's, Washington and Boeke (Ross Center) in Evansville.
REPEATER NEWS!!! As most of you have
noticed by now, many of the EARS repeater
receivers now require a subaudible tone
(CTCSS) in order to use them. This is
*****NOT****** a means of "closing" the
PROCEDURES. In this issue I will try to explain
the use of CTCSS and its advantages.
Obviously, there are some disadvantages. For
most people, this means that you have to find
your manual and find out how to program your
CTCSS encoder. For some, this means
purchasing a CTCSS encoder. We hope that
you've discovered already by the lack of noise
on the repeater that the CTCSS access is well
worth the $20-$40 you might have to spend on
an encoder. At the present time, these
receivers now REQUIRE a subaudible tone of
107.2 Hz:
145.110 Evansville (only 1); 145.150 Evansville
- main site; 146.925 Farmersburg site
So, in order to get the full benefit of all the
possible receive sites, turn your CTCSS
encoder to 107.2 Hz. We hope to leave at
least one receiver "open" on each repeater for
those who do not have CTCSS encoders. You
will notice the 146.925 Vincennes main site and
the 443.925 repeater do not require CTCSS yet.
The 145.25 repeater in Indianapolis will require
a CTCSS tone of 88.5 Hz for some receivers at
a future date.
What is a subaudible tone?
This is a solid, continuous tone that is generated
in the audio circuitry of your radio that is below
that of the human's normal hearing range. This
way you should not be able to notice the
presence of this tone on an incoming
transmission. If a receiver is equipped with a
subaudible tone (or CTCSS) decoder, the
"speaker" will not turn on unless the proper
CTCSS tone is detected by the radio. Other
transmissions may be present and register on
your S-meter, but you won't hear them. Only
transmissions that contain the correct CTCSS
tone will pass through your speaker.
Why use subaudible tones?
With increasing interference from paging
systems, band openings, and more and more
repeaters being placed closer together,
subaudible tones are becoming almost a
necessity. Any stray signal on the repeater's
input frequency will activate the repeater unless
a CTCSS decoder is installed. For instance,
say there are two repeaters on 145.15 that are
200 miles away. Most of the time, the repeater
would never hear people using the other 145.15.
But, during a band opening, the repeater may
pick up the far away signals. Since the far away
repeater requires a DIFFERENT CTCSS tone
(or not one at all), people using the far away
repeater do not interfere with the local repeater.
How do I use subaudible tones?
Nearly every radio manufactured in the last 10
years or more comes equipped with a CTCSS
encoder. You must do 2 things: 1) turn on the
CTCSS encoder; and 2) set the encoder to the
proper tone, which is 107.2. Every radio
operates a little differently, so consult your
owner's manual. For newer Kenwood radios,
press the TONE button to turn on the tone
encoder. To set the tone, hold the "F" button for
longer than 1 second. Then press the TONE
button and turn the main dial until 107.2 is
displayed. Then you can save the repeater into
memory with the CTCSS tone set and turned
on. A CTCSS decoder is NOT required to get
into the repeater; however, you may want to use
it so that you don't hear other distant repeaters
on the same frequency.
What if my radio doesn't have an encoder?
Many radios have an encoder board that can be
added as an option. A lot of these can just be
plugged into a socket on the inside of the radio.
Again, consult your owner's manual. A CTCSS
encoder can be wired into ANY radio. Because
we have just added CTCSS access to the
repeater, we are taking a group order for these
boards so we can get a bulk discount. We will
be ordering soon from Communications
Specialists. To find out which model you need,
you can contact them at 1-800-854-0547. Or,
Neil WB9VPG and Gary WB9SWG have
catalogs fro them. Each purchase will receive a
5% discount if we (as a group) order 10, or 10%
for 25. Place your order with Neil or Gary ASAP
if you choose to buy your encoder in this
VISIT THE E.A.R.S. WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE! Get E.A.R.S. history, information, and the latest repeater info by visiting us at http://members.aol.com/earsham/earsham.html on the internet! You can write to us on the Internet as well ! Our Internet e-mail address:
Evansville, IN November 30, 1996
Volunteers will soon be needed to help with the
mailing!!! Contact Neil.
EARS does not sponsor VE testing, but does
advertise area testing dates and times. If you
know of a test not listed, please write, call, or e-mail it to Neil ASAP!!!
Paris, IL - Sundays at 1pm Central at the
Community Hospital on Sept. 8 and
Nov. 3. Call John Welch at (217) 466-4315.
Danville, IL - Sundays at 1pm Central at the
VCARA Club House on Aug. 25, Oct.
6, and Dec. 8. Call John Welch for more
information. For directions - (217) 442-3916.
Terre Haute, IN - Sundays at 1pm EST at the
Terre Haute Red Cross on Hwy 41 North on
Oct. 6 and Dec. 1. Call Fred K9EBK at (812)
Many of you have been asking about the results
of the recent IRC meeting at the Indianapolis
hamfest. After a lengthy meeting, a new set of
officers were elected, and the new proposed by-laws and new name of the organization were
defeated. The new chairman is Neil Rapp
WB9VPG of Evansville. The new vice-chairman is Jim Rinehart WB9CEP of
Indianapolis. And the new secretary-treasurer is
Kevin Berlen WB9QBR of Terre Haute. New
coordinators are: Jeff Tucker WB9KIX (6m), Jay
Jackson KA9QIG (220 MHz), and Ken Wells
NM9P (440 MHz). A 2m coordinator is yet to be
named, and Andy Finick N9FXT remains the
10m and 902 MHZ & up coordinator. Efforts are
being made to get members' input on future
decisions made by the council. Thanks to all of
those who supported this effort.
145.11 is back on the air!!! A brand new
Kenwood repeater is on the air (finally!) at the
original site at 400 feet and going strong. Don't
forget you need to use 107.2 for your subaudible
tone. A controller is on the way, but in the mean
time don't forget to say "on the KB9KBT
repeater" !!!!!!
THANK YOU!! to those who have donated to
EARS recently. These include: Tom Gwaltney
N9PDC, Don Hanner KA9ODU (& XYL N9XXZ),
Tim Staker KB9FRR, Beth Staker KB9MXM,
Don Wright KA9YEQ, Walt Perry Jr. W8ENM,
and Thelma Hurst N9PYG. Your help is greatly
needed to help maintain the repeaters.
Expenses far outweigh the amount of support
we receive. We appreciate any help you are
able to offer.
145.25 NEWS.... In an effort to keep the
repeater running at full strength, we need more
help! Marty has not had the time or finances to
maintain all of the sites we have available.
Therefore, we are asking that people volunteer
to maintain the outlying receive sites. If you live
near a site that is/could be used as a receive
site and would like to volunteer to be
responsible for its operation, please contact
Marty at (317) 253-7985. He will take care of
receiving the signal at the main 145.25 site, and
provide you with site contact information and
equipment. Thanks to Mike N5CEC for
volunteering for the Muncie site.
A PERSONAL NOTE... Many of you may have noticed I haven't been home much lately, or on the air for that matter. I have been extremely busy, as usual, with camps, VBS, and a graduate course. Two weeks this summer, however, were spent in Florida and part of a week here at home with a very special young lady that I met on America Online last Christmas. I am happy to announce that we have decided to be married next June in Florida. Amy will be moving to Evansville to attend USI (University of Southern Indiana) this January, and has already been asking about a study guide for her amateur license. Hopefully you'll hear her on the air soon. After the
Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc.
1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714-3154
The E.A.R.S. newsletter is a monthly production
of Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc., a
non-profit, charitable, tax-exempt organization.
Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, editor. Send donations,
articles, comments or information to E.A.R.S. at
the address at the address below or call (812)
479-5741. Articles for the newsletter and/or E-mail can be sent via America Online at
EARSHAM@aolDOTcom. For the braille edition,
contact Tom KE9ZV. Information contained may
be reproduced in any form, provided that credit
is given to the E.A.R.S. Newsletter.