1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714
(812) 479-5741
"Because a frequency..
..is a terrible thing to waste"
June, 1996 Newsletter
be held on TUESDAY, JUNE 4 at 6:30 PM
Central at Old Country Buffet, Morgan Ave. and
Green River Road in Evansville, IN. We also
have a tour of WEHT-TV in Henderson
scheduled for this day at 4:30 p.m. Due to
some problems with staff shifts at the station,
the tour had to be set up on a special day and
time. This should be an interesting tour if you
can make the early time. We will get together
afterwards at Old Country Buffet at 6:30 p.m.
THERE WILL BE A VE TEST SESSION at Harrison High School in Evansville, Lloyd Expressway and Fielding Road (across from east side Wal-Mart) on Tuesday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m, in Room 213. Enter from the south parking lot and proceed upstairs. Bring 2 forms of ID, one with a picture; calculator; writing utensils; and a copy AND original of any license or CSCE held. Call Neil for more information. Walk-ins only.
HAMVENTION, you missed one of the best
ones ever! A record attendance was on hand,
and the rain actually stayed away! Many
bargains were found at Dayton, as well as many
friends. We even had a group play a game of
laser tag after the eating meeting at Forest Fair
Mall. Make plans now for next year!
EARS has applied for 147.18 for use in Mt.
Vernon, IL. Doug Hayes, KA9JJS, will be the
maintainer of this system. The frequency is
being finalized and more details will be noted as
they become available.
reality. Gate 1 of the program will open on
May 31. Under the first gate, you may apply for
1) a previously held callsign (individual or club),
or 2) a previously held callsign of a deceased
close relative. Form 610V is required for this
request, along with a $30 application fee.
Normally, a callsign is assignable two years
following license expiration, surrender,
revocation, etc. FCC Fact Sheet PR5000 No.
206-V contains the complete details on this
program. Fees must be by check or money
order to "FCC" or by credit card. Cash is not
acceptable. Credit card requests must be
accompained by FCC Form 159. Send your
form and fee to FCC Amateur Vanity Callsign
Request, PO Box 358924, Pittsburgh, PA
15251-5924. For more information or forms,
call the FCC Consumer Information Branch at
800-322-1117 or on the internet you can
download the information and/or forms using the
link from the EARS home page. The next gate,
1A, will be announced soon. This gate is for
clubs to obtain the previously held callsign of a
deceased member. (Thanks Newsline and
PCARC Capacitor)
VISIT THE E.A.R.S. WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE! Get E.A.R.S. history, information, and the latest repeater info by visiting us at http://members.aol.com/earsham/earsham.html on the internet! You can write to us on the Internet as well ! Our Internet e-mail address:
Evansville, IN November 30, 1996
Evansville, IN - Tuesday, May 28 at 7 p.m. at
Harrison H.S. Room 213. Call 479-5741 for
info. Sponsored by HHS ARC. (W5YI-VEC)
Paris, IL
- Sundays at 1pm Central at the
Community Hospital on July 14, Sept. 8, and
Nov. 3. Call John Welch at (217) 466-4315.
Danville, IL - Sundays at 1pm Central at the
VCARA Club House on Jun. 9, Aug. 25, Oct.
6, and Dec. 8. Call John Welch for more
information. For directions, call Wm. Wright at
(217) 442-3916.
Terre Haute, IN - Sundays at 1pm EST at the
Terre Haute Red Cross on Hwy 41 North on
June 2, Aug. 4, Oct. 6, and Dec. 1.
Call Fred K9EBK at (812) 466-2122
KENWOOD NOTES.... The TM-261A 2m mobile has been released. This radio comes with all the standard bells and whistles, and 61 memories.
Effective May 1, 1996, Kenwood will no longer
issue discount coupons due to confusion as to
the right time to buy. Instead, prices have been
dropped to compensate for the coupon
for all your ham radio information
needs on the internet!!
Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc.
1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714-3154
The E.A.R.S. newsletter is a monthly production
of Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc., a
non-profit, charitable, tax-exempt organization.
Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, editor. Send donations,
articles, comments or information to E.A.R.S. at
the address at the address below or call (812)
479-5741. Articles for the newsletter and/or E-mail can be sent via America Online at
EARSHAM@aolDOTcom. For the braille edition,
contact Tom KE9ZV. Information contained may
be reproduced in any form, provided that credit
is given to the E.A.R.S. Newsletter.