1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714
(812) 479-5741
"Because a frequency..
..is a terrible thing to waste"
May, 1996 Newsletter
THE NEXT E.A.R.S. EATING MEETING will be held on Friday, May 10, at 6:30 PM Central at Old Country Buffet, Morgan Ave. and Green River Road in Evansville, IN. We have been planning a tour of WEHT-TV in Henderson. Due to some problems with staff shifts at the station, we are in the stages of confirming this tour for Tuesday, June 4. This tour would occur at 4:30 p.m. This is the latest time available. This should be an interesting tour if you can make the early time. We will get together afterwards at Old Country Buffet at 6:30 p.m. on that Tuesday. If you are going to be in the Dayton area, we will have an eating meeting at the Sharonville Skyline Chili Shop, Sharon Rd. off I-75, on the north edge of Cincinnati. The time will be 6:00 p.m. Dayton time.
Congradulations to Don Bender, N9TIQ, who
won the power supply donated by Barry Tate
KE4OXZ at last month's meeting. We had a
nice crowd on hand. Thanks Barry for the
THERE WILL BE A VE TEST SESSION at Harrison High School in Evansville, Lloyd Expressway and Fielding Road (across from east side Wal-Mart) on Tuesday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m, in Room 213. Enter from the south parking lot and proceed upstairs. Bring 2 forms of ID, one with a picture; calculator; writing utensils; and a copy AND original of any license or CSCE held. Call Neil for more information. Walk-ins only.
radio to 145.150 simplex and use a 107.2
CTCSS tone. Several EARS members will be
using the FARA network for a repeater, although
please note it will be extremely busy. The
frequency for this system is 145.19 in the
Ohio area, 145.23 in the Louisville area.
REPEATER STATUS... The brand new
Kenwood repeater for 145.11 has been ordered
and is on the way. Look for this one on the air
soon. We MAY have a CTCSS tone access on
this machine. If we do, the tone will be 107.2,
and will be made public. The repeater is
intended to be an open repeater to all amateurs
for local use. Please spread the word that a
CTCSS tone requirement does NOT mean that
the repeater is closed! In fact, we are
considering requiring CTCSS access for some
of the outlying receivers on the wide area
system. If you have any comments on this,
please send them to Neil ASAP.
VISIT THE E.A.R.S. WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE! Get E.A.R.S. history, information, and the latest repeater info by visiting us at http://members.aol.com/earsham/earsham.html on the internet! You can write to us on the Internet as well ! Our Internet e-mail address:
Dayton, OH Hamvention May 17-18-19, 1996
Evansville, IN November 30, 1996
Paris, IL - Sundays at 1pm Central at the
Community Hospital on May 5,
July 14, Sept. 8, and Nov. 3. Call John Welch
at (217) 466-4315 for more information.
Danville, IL - Sundays at 1pm Central at the
VCARA Club House on Jun. 9, Aug. 25, Oct.
6, and Dec. 8. Call John Welch for more
information. For directions, call Wm. Wright at
(217) 442-3916.
SESSIONS, cont'd
Terre Haute, IN - Sundays at 1pm EST at the
Terre Haute Red Cross on Hwy 41 North on
June 2, Aug. 4, Oct. 6, and Dec. 1.
Call Fred K9EBK at (812) 466-2122
STOLEN RADIO...from OPARS newsletter
An Icom IC-2AT was stolen from KB9CUX's car
on April 23 or 24. The number 3 on the keypad
is worn off. An Alinco cigarette lighter adapter
and Standard Mike were also taken. There was
no rubber duck on the radio. Any information
about this theft should be passed along to Neil
or Margie.
Some of you may have heard by now that there
has been some controversy lately in the IRC.
The council decided to incorporate at the
November meeting in order to provice
protection to the volunteers who serve in official
capacity in the IRC, and in order to gain non-profit status. What has been controversial deals
with what was done additionally at the time of
incorporation. Instead of keeping the old by-laws and voting procedures, coordination
procedures, etc., all of this was changed by the
officers of the council without any knowledge,
input, or notification of/to the membership of the
IRC. Sweeping changes of such items are in
the new by-laws of the newly formed TIRAC,
the Indiana Repeater and Auxillary Council.
The upcoming meeting in July will prove to be a
very important event in repeater coordination in
Indiana. We encourage your comments as
EARS has been a long time member of the
former IRC.
Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc.
1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714-3154
The E.A.R.S. newsletter is a monthly production
of Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc., a
non-profit, charitable, tax-exempt organization.
Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, editor. Send donations,
articles, comments or information to E.A.R.S. at
the address at the address below or call (812)
479-5741. Articles for the newsletter and/or E-mail can be sent via America Online at
EARSHAM@aolDOTcom. For the braille edition,
contact Tom KE9ZV. Information contained may
be reproduced in any form, provided that credit
is given to the E.A.R.S. Newsletter.