1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714
(812) 479-5741
"Because a frequency..
..is a terrible thing to waste"
September, 1995 Newsletter
at Noble Romans, Washington and Boeke in
Evansville, on Friday, September 8, at 6:30 p.m.
Yes, those long awaited hamfest flyers will be waiting
on those of you who have volunteered. Some plans
for the Evansville hamfest will be discussed, as well
as future meeting ideas. Come join us!!
excellent tour of WFIE-TV Channel 14. We had a
record turnout for this very interesting tour.
145.110 - Still under lightning repair
145.150 - On July 23, the 515 suffered a lightning hit thru both the electric line and the phone line. Thanks to Eric N9KDB for conducting the first evaluation. The voter, autopatch board, phone line, and amplifier suffered damage. All the receivers and the main part of the controller luckily were not affected. Due to my recent hospital stay, I was not able to look at the system. Marty KA9PCT was in town on August 1 and was able to bypass the voter and disconnect the exciter from the amplifier so that we could be back on the air. The output power is 2 watts. Since then, Ed WB9RWB checked out the phone line problem and on August 13 I was able to reconnect the phone to the repeater for the autopatch. As of press time, everything has been restored except the amplifier and the voter. CODES - Note that the time command will be 45*. The old Indy link codes HAVE BEEN RESTORED as we have investigated the problem. If we have more unidentified touch tones, these will be changed once again and will not be made public.
145.25 - No changes
146.925 -The 925 seems to be working well. Eric and I made some squelch adjustments to the 2 meter receiver at Vincennes on August 7. This seems to have helped the receive problem. We still need to put the new antenna up on the transmitter at Paxton. Thanks to Steve NO9N for making the brackets for this project.
443.925 - An overdeviated PL tone was causing
some widening of the transmit signel. This was
adjusted on August 12 and seems to have helped the
problem and helped the audio to Indy.
IF YOU HAVEN'T MADE YOUR NOMINATION for the EARS awards, please do so! Nominations are now being accepted for three EARS awards to be given at the Evansville Hamfest in November! Send them to: EARS Award Committee, 1506 S. Parker Dr., Evansville, IN 47714-3154. Nominations will be taken thru November 1. All nominated persons must: 1) be a currently licensed Amateur and 2) have contributed to Amateur radio in the midwest. The three awards:
1) Advancement of Repeaters/FM/Networks
2) Technical Excellence Award
Write to us on the Internet! Our e-mail
E.A.R.S. Hoosier Hamfest, Indianapolis, IN Sat. September 2 Indy Armory (Holt Rd. & Minnesota off I-70 at Holt Rd. Exit) 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Admission $5/Tables $15/Free outdoor flea market with paid admission Talk in on EARS Network
Shawnee (Harrisburg, IL) Sunday September 10 - 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Admission $4. VE Exams at 9 a.m., Southeastern Illinois College
Grand Rapids, MI SuperSwap Sat., Sept. 16 Unity Christian H.S. in Hudsonville, MI Admission $4 Talk in on 147.26+ Doors open 8 a.m.
Bedford, IN Oct 8 Lawrence Co. Fgdns.
Louisville, KY Oct. 14-15 KY Fair & Expo Center
Evansville, IN November 25 Vanderburgh Co. 4-H
Fairgrounds 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Admission $5 Tables
$10 Free Outdoor Flea Market with Paid Admission
Listen on 145.15 (107.2 PL) at hamfests!!
Paris, IL - Sunday Sept. 3 - 1 p.m. Paris Community
Hospital - for info call John 217-466-4315
Harrisburg, IL - Sun. Sept. 10 (see hamfests)
Vincennes, IN - Saturday Sept. 17 Vincennes
University Technology Bldg. 9 a.m. call Phil KQ9O
at 812-886-9765 for info
Terre Haute, IN - Sunday Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. Terre
Haute Red Cross - Hwy. 41 North call Fred K9EBK
812-466-2122 for info
DREX STUART, N9CIA/HH5SX, will be returning
to Haiti soon. He is looking for several 40-80 watt
solar panels, batteries, and DC to AC power
inverters. If you know of some at a low cost, please
contact him or Neil ASAP!!!
NEWSLETTER! Kenwood has announced that
technical support, service bulletins, and other items
are available electronically. Kenwood's BBS (N,8,1)
Number is: 310-761-8284. Top speed is 14.4 kbps.
Kenwood also now has a web site on the internet.
The address is: http://www.accessnv.com/kenwood
/amateur.html. Also, I have a catalog of Kenwood
apparrel and other assorted items if anyone (besides
myself) is interested.
ADVANCED COMPUTER CONTROLS, the manufacturer of two controllers used on E.A.R.S. repeaters and the Digital Voice Recorder, has left the amateur business. A recent call by Tony AA9OR and Neil resulted in a recording stating that ACC is no longer selling controllers. Some parts will be available thru another company. The much desired
Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc.
1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714-3154
Version 6 software project has been scrapped as a
result of this closing. All correspondance to ACC
should be sent thru Internet at 72114.2062@
compuserve.com. Registered owners are to receive
information regarding parts via snail mail as soon as
the details are worked out.
The E.A.R.S. newsletter is a monthly production of
Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc., a non-profit, charitable, tax-exempt organization. Neil
Rapp, WB9VPG, editor. Send donations, articles,
comments or information to E.A.R.S. at the address
at the address below or call (812) 479-5741. Articles
for the newsletter (ASCII or WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS
format) and/or E-mail can be sent via America
Online at EARSHAM@aolDOTcom. For the braille
edition, contact Tom KE9ZV. Information contained
herein may be reproduced in any form, provided that
credit is given to the E.A.R.S. Newsletter.