
1506 S. Parker Dr.

Evansville, IN 47714

(812) 479-5741

"Because a frequency..

..is a terrible thing to waste"

An ARRL Special Service Club W9EAR Member Indiana Repeater Council

December, 1997 Newsletter

THE NEXT E.A.R.S. EATING MEETING will be held at Wolf's BBQ on 1st Avenue in Evansville on Wednesday, December 17, at 7:00 p.m. Central. You must have a reservation to Neil no later than Sunday, December 14. The cost again this year is $13.13 for the chicken and ribs buffet. Some ham radio videos will also be shown, as well as a door prize! Don't miss it!

REPEATER NEWS... The 145.11 repeater is back! A new feature on 5.11 is the National Weather Service link. Press 992 to listen to NOAA weather radio, and 990 to turn it off. Remember, use 107.2 CTCSS for access. The repeater is still at the site near USI at 400 feet. Also, watch for upgrades to 443.925 and the 145.15 transmitter very soon. New code sheets will be issued for 443.925/146.925 as soon as upgrades are completed. The switch from 147.43 to 147.135 has been made at Seymour. The receive frequency will soon be changed also.

HAVE YOU SEEN THE E.A.R.S. WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE LATELY?? Check it out at http://members. aol.com/earsham/index.html

You can write to us on the Internet as well! Our e-mail address: EARSHAM@aolDOTcom


Evansville, IN November 29, 1997 Vanderburgh Co. Fairgrounds 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Central time. Admission $5. Wall tables - $10, Flea Market tables - $7. Talk in on 145.15.

Cincinnati, OH Feb. 21-22, 1998 Cinti Gardens


EARS does not sponsor VE testing, but does advertise area testing dates and times. If you know of a test not listed, please write, call, or e-mail it to Neil ASAP!!!

Evansville, IN - Saturdays Dec. 20 at 9 a.m. Central at the Red Cross Bldg., Diamond and Heidelbach, by Tri-State ARS. $6.25/ARRL-VEC. Contact Terry AA9MM.

Paris, IL - Sunday at 1pm at the Community Hospital on Jan. 4 - Call John Welch at (217) 466-4315 or email jwwelch@juno.com.

Terre Haute, IN - Sunday at 1pm on Dec. 7 at the Terre Haute Red Cross on Hwy 41 North. Call Fred K9EBK at (812) 466-2122.

Indianapolis, IN - IPL, 37th and Arlington, at 6:30 p.m. BY APPT. ONLY. Call Tom N9LFU at 317-326-3168. Thomson ARC/ARRL-VEC

Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc.


1506 S. Parker Dr.

Evansville, IN 47714-3154

VE TESTING, continued

Franklin, IN - Walk-ins only. For more

information, call 317-974-1488. MidState

ARC (3rd Sat. March thru November)

THANKS TO ALL THOSE who have graciously donated to EARS recently. They include: Dean Elkins K4ADJ and Herb Alvey. Your support keeps EARS running!

EARS E-mail news... If you want to be added to an e-mail list with EARS information from time to time, send your e-mail address to neilrapp@comsource. net.

THE OLD POST ARS is once again raffling a Winchester 1200 automatic. $50 and $25 cash prizes are for 2nd and 3rd place. Tickets are $1 each or 6/$5. See Neil or any OPARS member if interested.


The E.A.R.S. newsletter is a monthly production of Electronic Applications Radio Service, Inc., a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, editor. Send donations, articles, comments or information to the address above or call (812) 479-5741. Articles for the newsletter and/or E-mail can be sent to EARSHAM @aolDOTcom. Information contained may be reproduced, provided that credit is given to the EARS Newsletter. Visit our site on the World Wide Web at http://members.aol.com/earsham/index.html.