1506 S. Parker Drive
Evansville, IN 47714
(812) 479-5741
"Because a frequency is a terrible thing to waste"
An ARRL Special Service Club Member Indiana Repeater Council
September, 1994 Newsletter
The next EARS eating meeting will be held at Western Sizzlin at Morgan Ave. and Oak Hill in Evansville on MONDAY, September 12 in the meeting room at 6:30 p.m. All hams, potential hams, and families thereof are invited to attend. Future meeting dates are listed below:
October 3 Old Country Buffet
November 7 Noble Roman's (Ross Center)
December 5 Wolf's BBQ (1st Ave.)
(We will need a count for the Christmas
meeting on Dec. 5.) Note that we have
changed to Monday, as some people have
requested a different day due to work
schedules. Monday seemed to be the only
other option at last month's meeting. Let
me know how this works.
Our guest from the Red Cross, Kathy,
called me before last month's meeting.
She was unable to attend our meeting due
to her pregnancy and will reschedule to
meet with us about disaster services after
her maternity leave.
Repeater notes:
145.110 The 145.11, located just
West of USI, has been seeing a lot of
activity lately. Everything seems to be
working as usual. I guess there is mass
confusion as to the location of the repeater
as it has been missing from the repeater
directory listings and incorrect information
being passed around. But that's what
happens when you put a repeater on at
1200 feet! (Just kidding - it's at 500!)
145.150 The new receive site at 300
feet on Orchard Road (south end of
Darmstadt) has been working great! The
Petersburg receiver is still off as we have
not had time to tune a receiver for it. The
phone line will have to be replaced by the
phone company...Stay tuned!
146.925 Mel N9IZG has been at work
again as he fixed our Farmersburg link
antenna. The wind bent the mast a bit,
and Mel came to the rescue once again.
Eric N9KDB and I placed a battery,
courtesy of Tony N9QEH, on the voice
recorder so that power outages will not
erase IDs and mailbox messages. The
voice mailbox system on 146.925 and
443.925 is thus running permanently now.
Check your Vincennes codes for info.
(This service is not available on 145.15)
Testing will be held at the Vincennes University Technology Bldg. on Saturday, September 17. Call Phil KQ9O at (812) 886-9765 for details. ARRL/VEC 9am EST $5.75
Also, VE testing will be available at the
following hamfests: DuQuoin, Peoria,
Louisville, and Bedford. (see back)
Commercial license fee information has
finally arrived. There is a $35 fee for each
test taken, as before. But now the FCC is
collecting $35 for all 5 year term licenses.
However, the lifetime license fees have
been waived for the time being. The talk
was that the General ClassRadiotelephone
(GROL) would have a $105 fee attached.
The FCC decided not to implement this
plan right now. NEW licenses for Marine
Radio Operator (MROP), 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
class radiotelegraph, GMDSS Operator,
GMDSS Maintainer, and the Ship Radar
Endorsement all require a $35 regulatory
fee in addition to the $35 test fee if the
exam is passed. At present, the GROL
has ONLY a test fee. The price of a new
restricted operator permit (i.e. broadcast
license) now costs $45, and there is no
exam. Replacements and duplicates also
cost $45. The FCC has released a form
allowing regulatory fees (not test fees) to
be paid by VISA/MasterCard in addition to
a check. The next test session for
commercial licenses in Evansville is
tentatively scheduled for December.
Spencer, IN Sept. 10
DuQuoin, IL Sept. 11 8am-2pm State Fairgrounds. VE tests, tables $5.
T/I 147.09+ (618) 457-8114
1506 S. Parker Dr.
Evansville, IN 47714
Peoria, IL Sept. 17-18
Louisville, KY Oct 1-2
Terre Haute, IN Oct. 15 Clay Co. (Brazil) 4-H Center. $5 at the door, advance $4. Write: WVARA, P.O. Box 81, Terre Haute, IN 47808-0081. T/I 146.85- (812) 939-3110 (Tables $5 - includes lunch.)
Bedford, IN Oct. T/I 146.73- Lawrence Co. 4-H fairgrounds
Evansville, IN Nov. 26 Vanderburgh 4-H
Center. $4 admission, tables (8') $10.
Lunch provided by Old Post ARS. 8am-2pm Central time. Vendor setup 6 am. T/I
145.15 - and 146.925 -. (812) 479-5741 or
(812) 424-1506.
production of Electronic Applications Radio
Service, Inc., a non-profit organization.
Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, editor. Subscriptions
are available for a $10 or more donation to
EARS. Donations for the repeaters are
also welcome. Send checks to EARS,
1506 S. Parker Dr., Evansville, IN 47714.
Articles, comments, or information for the
newsletter should be sent to Neil Rapp
WB9VPG, 305 Sequoia Lane, Evansville,
IN 47712 or call (812) 424-1506 or by E-mail to neil.rapp@evsc.cld9.com. For the
braille edition, contact Tom KE9ZV.