Evansville Hamfest

Presented by
EARS and The Ham Station

Ham Station at the Hamfest!

The Evansville Hamfest has ended. Thank you for your patronage over the years.

EARS and The Ham Station regret to announce that the Evansville Hamfest has ended.  For 21 years, EARS has worked hard to bring you the best hamfest we could.  The Ham Station has been our corporate sponsor for the last several years, and has been along with us every step of the way.  We can not offer enough thanks to all of our vendors (a few of which have also been there every single year), the people who attended, the Old Post Amateur Radio Society who provided concessions every year, the VE testing crew, and those who graciously volunteered with security, ticket sales, labeling flyers, giving out prizes, QSL checking, and more.  We hope you will continue to patronize our vendors online and/or at other hamfests.

Several people have asked why the hamfest is ending.  There were many factors that we had to consider, including: a date conflict with some vendors for this year, rising expenses of the 4H Center, low attendance, lack of profit, and loss of manpower to help prepare and run the hamfest.  We explored other locations, other dates, and other staff.  We were unable to come up with a plan that would work.  We do not have any plans to revive the hamfest in the future at this time.  Most of the original EARS volunteers have moved away, and some have traveled long distances to keep the show running.  And, due to lack of use EARS transferred the 145.15 repeater over to the W9WIN repeater network 2 years ago. EARS still operates 146.925 and 443.925 repeaters in Vincennes, along with Echolink and IRLP.  Our audio stream is still online, we are still connected to the Central Indiana SKYWARN network, and our online RADAR and weather alerts will continue to serve areas of Southern Indiana as long as possible.

Again, we thank you for your past support of the hamfest.  73.

Corporate Sponsor:

220 N. Fulton Ave.
Evansville, IN 47710
(812) 422-0231 or (800) 729-4373
Icom    Yaesu    Kenwood    MFJ

Other commercial vendors include:

Tower Electronics | Amateur Accessories
D & L Antenna | Transel Corporation | KJS Marketing
Select Computer Resources | A1 Rechargers | Debco Electronics
S&G Engineering (Eagle One Antenna)

Prize sponsors include:


During the hamfest, local time is CST!
Click here
to see the current time. 

Attendance in 2013: 347; only 6 tables remained
Attendance in 2012: 372; all tables sold out 10 weeks prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2011: 389; all tables sold out 4 weeks prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2010: 396; all tables sold out 8 weeks prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2009: 444, all tables sold out 7 weeks prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2008: 398, all tables sold out 2 weeks prior to hamfest | Newspaper article | TV news clip
Attendance in 2007: 408, all tables sold out weekend before hamfest
Attendance in 2006; 444, all tables sold out day prior to hamfest | Newspaper article
Attendance in 2005; 465, all tables sold out day prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2004: 456, only 12 tables remained *** new expanded setup with more tables
Attendance in 2003: 484, all tables sold day prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2002: 565, only 6 tables remained
(click above for pictures)
Attendance in 2001: 432, all tables sold out prior to hamfest
Attendance in 2000: 367, all tables sold out evening before hamfest
Attendance in 1999: 475, all tables sold prior to hamfest
Attendance in 1998: 488
Attendance in 1997: 450, all tables sold day of hamfest
Attendance in 1996: 511, all tables sold day of hamfest
Attendance in 1995: 515, all tables sold day of hamfest
Attendance in 1994: 552, all tables sold prior to hamfest
Attendance in 1993: 532

Hamfest Staff:

Chairman/Table Reservations.............................Neil Rapp WB9VPG
Assistant Chairperson/Hospitality.......................
Assistant Chairman...........................................Eric Bonham N9KDB
Corporate Sponsor/Prizes.................................Dan Mitchell N9APA
VE Testing.........................................................Jim Turner WB9PZB
Security.........................................................Amarc Security Services

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This page was last modified on September 25, 2014 by Neil Rapp, WB9VPG