Recommended CTCSS Plan

For more information about the IRC, click here.

The official Indiana Repeater Council address is: c/o PO Box 833, Columbia City, IN 46725.

For a list of nationally officially recognized coordinators, contact the National Frequency Coordination Council. (Please note... Some web sites such as contain some coordinators that are NOT officially recognized. Be sure to contact only official coordinators listed at the NFCC web site.  Don't be fooled by self-proclaimed coordinators!)

This plan was implemented to reduce the amount of interference between repeaters utilizing the same frequency, as well as adjacent frequencies. While these tones are not mandated, these tones have been selected so that a "common" CTCSS is available in each geographic area of Indiana. This way, repeater users know the "most likely" tone to use in a particular region of Indiana. The first tone listed is the primary tone option, while the second tone is the secondary tone option.

PL map



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This page was last modified on March 6, 2017 by Neil Rapp, WB9VPG